F2C - Fondazione Cariplo per il clima

The social media strategy for F2C – Fondazione Cariplo per il Clima - an initiative launched in 2019 by Fondazione Cariplo - focused on engaging citizens and raising awareness about the climate crisis. The approach aimed to amplify public dialogue through targeted campaigns, encouraging participation in climate initiatives and fostering connections between local communities, experts, and policymakers.

  • Fondazione Cariplo

  • 2022-2024

  • Role: Project Manager and Account Manager at IdLab

    Activities: Social Media Strategy ■ Content Production ■ Digital Advertising ■ Influencer Marketing

The storytelling was designed to inform citizens about Fondazione Cariplo’s initiatives and its commitment to local communities wellbeing. By featuring the voices of experts, the content provided valuable insights and knowledge on climate issues, offering bite-sized "pills" of information to enhance understanding. An approach aimed to empower citizens with the tools and knowledge to engage in climate action and support sustainable practices within their communities.

The visual identity for F2C communication was developed around the concept of warming stripes, a data visualization graphic that uses a series of colored stripes to depict long-term temperature trends. By blending the colors of the warming stripes with other contemporary hues, a unique color palette was created, forming a gradient that became the central design element across all F2C materials.

Copyright © Fondazione Cariplo. All rights reserved.




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